Legal notices

Essential data concerning the design, production and operation of our website and the rights of Internet users


The website « » is published by Serval (hereinafter the “Publisher”).


Address: Serval – La Creuse – 79800 SAINTE-EANNE
Phone: 05 49 06 28 28

Publication Director

Eloïse Hamonet:

Website development

This website was developed by Zimages

Website hosting

The company in charge of direct and permanent storage is Zimages.
A SARL registered with the Niort Trade and Companies Register under the number  500 532 551 00065
Adresse: 23 Avenue de Paris, 79000 Niort
Phone: 05 49 24 80 80

Technology used

This website was created using the WordPress content management system.


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If you have any questions concerning your rights, you can contact the website Publisher at the following e-mail address:

For more information about how we process your personal data, you can read our privacy policy by by clicking here.


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Intellectual property

The content of the website, its general structure, as well as its software, text, animated and non-animated images, photographs, sounds, information and all other elements that make up the website are the exclusive property of the Publisher and are protected by copyright.

This legal notice does not imply the transfer to the Internet user of any intellectual property rights relating to any elements belonging to the Publisher, as well as those belonging to partners or third parties who have granted a licence for their use, including sounds, photographs, images, literary texts, artistic works, software, trademarks, graphics and logos.

Internet users are prohibited from modifying, copying, reproducing, downloading, broadcasting, transmitting, commercially exploiting and/or distributing, in any way whatsoever, the pages of this website and/or the software codes of the elements that make up this website.

Any reproduction and/or representation, in whole or in part, of any of these rights, by any means whatsoever, without the express authorisation of the Publisher, is therefore prohibited and would constitute an infringement of copyright which would result in the civil and criminal liability of the offender.

The same applies to any databases appearing on the website, which are protected by the Articles of the Intellectual Property Code. Any extraction or reuse, in whole or in part, of the said databases and their contents is therefore prohibited without the express prior authorisation of the Publisher.

The distinctive elements of the Publisher and its partners, including domain names, trademarks, brands names and logos that appear on the website, are protected by the Intellectual Property Code. Any total or partial reproduction of these distinctive elements made without the express authorisation of the Publisher is therefore prohibited under the Intellectual Property Code.

This website may only be used for its intended purpose.

Any other use, unless expressly authorised in writing by the Publisher, is therefore prohibited and constitutes an infringement of copyright.

Hyperlinks and liability

Any link to this website and any use of the Publisher’s logo are subject to the Publisher’s prior written consent.

Despite the care taken by the Publisher, the information contained in this website is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Consequently, the user acknowledges that he/she shall use this information under his/her sole responsibility.